
八幡 Yahata < Yahada < yehudah (Judea)

According to Teshima, among all the Shinto shrines in Japan, the most numerous are Yahata (or Hachiman) shrines, which used to be called Yahada shrines in old days.

The God of Yahada was the one which Hata clan believed in. Teshima thought as did Saeki that Hata clan were Jewish Nestorians, and Yahada was originally a Hebrew word "yehudah" (hdwhy) meaning Judea. That is, the God of Yahada is to be the G-d of Judea. The Japanese ancient book of history, Kojiki, clearly says that the God of Yahada is a foreign God.

Mystery of the Ten Lost Tribes
Mystery of the Ten Lost Tribes



Concerning the Rumor That G-d's Name Is Written in Hebrew on the Holy Mirror of "Ise-jingu"

In the Imperial House of Japan, there are three valuable treasures which were derived from ancient Japanese myths. These three are a sword, a jewel pendant and a mirror.

The mirror, called "Yata-no-kagami" (mirror of Yata) is placed in "Ise-jingu" shrine. It has been rumored that G-d's name is written in Hebrew on the back of this holy mirror. This mirror is regarded to be extremely holy, and usually no one is permitted to see it. However, there are some individuals who insist that they have seen it.

About a hundred years ago, Arinori Mori (1847-1889), the Minister of Education, Culture, and Science of Japan at that time, insisted that he saw the back of the holy mirror. He said that on it written in Hebrew was G-d's name, "I AM THAT I AM," which is the name used when G-d spoke to Moses (Shmos 3:14).

After World War II, Dr. Sakon, a professor from Aoyama-gakuin University, stated that he had seen a replica of the mirror which was placed in the Imperial Palace. He said that on it written in Hebrew was G-d's name, "I AM THAT I AM".

Later, it has been stated that Yutaro Yano, a passionate Shinto believer, saw the holy mirror, and transcribed the patterns on its back. Yano repeatedly asked a priest at Ise-jingu if he could observe the mirror. Moved by Yano's passion, the priest secretly permitted him to observe the mirror. Yano carefully copied the pattern off the mirror's back.

This copy has been maintained for years in a Shinto group named "Shinsei-Ryujinkai," which is run by Yano's daughter. The copy had been held in secret by the group. Later, they stated that it was "G-d's revelation" to show the copy to His Highness Mikasanomiya, a younger brother of the Emperor Hirohito (Showa Tennoh).

Mr. Wadoh Kohsaka, who is a Shinto researcher, had a role in handing it to Mikasanomiya. After that, Kohsaka decided to show the copy to the public in his book, for he believed that it was important for the Japanese to know the truth. The book was published several years ago.

The pattern which is believed to have been taken from the back of the Japanese Holy mirror by Yutaro Yano

There are two theories on how to interpret the letters on the mirror. One is to interpret the letters as "Hifu-moji" which is believed to be one of "Jindai-mojis", the supposed Japanese letters existed in ancient Japan that existed before Kanji-writing had been imported from China to Japan. Another theory is to interpret them as ancient Hebrew.

The theory of "Hifu-moji" is from Yano himself, but there are contradictions in his interpretation. In addition, no one knows what Hifu-moji really looks like. Hence, I cannot accept them as Hifu-moji. All the known Japanese ancient "Jindai-mojis" are written vertically. I have never seen it written horizontally.

Some people suggest that the 7 letters inside the central circle of the mirror could be read as "I AM THAT I AM," which in Hebrew "eheyeh asher eheyeh," reading "eheyeh" two times. Others suggest that they could be read as "Yahweh's light," which in Hebrew "or Yahweh" ("Or" means light).

However, some letters resemble Hebrew though, some do not. We also have to consider that Aramaic letters which the ancient Israelites used were a bit different from Hebrew. Samaritan letters are also different. If anyone reading this can interpret this, please let me know. We also do not have definite evidence that Yano's copy of the back of the Holy mirror is true to the original. This still remains as a mystery. I wish that someday the mirror or even its photo may be made available to the public.

Israelites Came To Ancient Japan


The Bible code refers the fate of Japan in conjunction of Erez Israel (land of Israel). Moreover, the Bible code clearly recorded the name of ancient prehistoric Japanese nation "Yamatai" with strong relation with Jacobs sons in Genesis 42 and 43.

Are Japanese relating with Jews?
